Health and wellbeing coaches (HWBCs) will use health coaching skills to support you to develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become active participants in your own care so you can reach your own health and wellbeing goals. They may also provide access to self-management education, peer support and social prescribing.
Health coaches will support you to self-identify existing issues and encourage proactive prevention of new and existing illnesses. This approach is based on using strong communication and negotiation skills and supports personal choice and positive risk taking.
They will work alongside you to coach and motivate you through multiple sessions, supporting you to identify your needs, set goals, and help you to implement your personalised health and care plan.
They work alongside our clincians and additional services such as Social Prescribers, Physiotherapists, Dietician, Pharmacists and Care Co-ordinators to ensure you recieve the care you need - when you need it and can refer to our clinicians for any medical needs you may have. They will work independantly or jointly with other clinicians/services depending on the care and support you need to ensure you recieve a holistic care package for your individual needs.
Our Health & Wellbeing Coaches can help you with a Carers Health Check, low mood, weight issues, comfort eating, fatigue, sleeping difficulty, exercise and lifestyle goals and much more.
To book an appointment with one of our Coaches please call the surgery or use our digital online booking system from Hero Health by clicking here